View of the house across the lawn

Saturday, October 9, 2010

As you will be expected to work five hours per day five days a week plenty of time will be left for enjoying yourself. Here are some ideas:
The weather can be very pleasant here in summer so just lounging around in the sun with a book and a glass of wine may be enough.

There are one or two walks in the neighbourhood and up to the village. If nature is your interest there are flora and fauna to be discovered and perhaps photographed.
Silver-Washed Fritillary
Wild Rose
Fishing - there are small fish and crayfish in the millpond
Cooking and eating pizzas using the bread oven.

The bread oven
Just a few bits left!
You may be a keen artist or writer - here you will find peace and quiet, perhaps even inspiration to further your talents.
We have an assortment of books, games and jigsaws if you are interested in these.
We have broadband - bring your laptop and log on.
We have radio, videos and DVD's No T.V.
There is always conversation.

To explore further afield you will need transport. People do cycle here but it is VERY hilly and we do not have bicycles. We only have one car and it will not be insured for others apart from ourselves.There is no public transport locally although there is a train from the nearest town.
However if you come by car, or hire one there are a few local attractions worth a visit. At weekends it may be possible for us to transport you somewhere.

We do have a telephone but mobiles do not work here in the Moulin because we are in a valley. You need to walk up the hill to the village to get a signal.