View of the house across the lawn

Saturday, October 9, 2010


There are a few projects that we have in hand, but they are too much for us to complete on our own.
1. The window frames, whilst basically in good condition, need sanding down and revarnishing. In many places the putty needs to be replaced. Some of the windows are high up and you would need to work from a ladder or perhaps a tower scaffold.
There are eighteen windows, of varying size, a set of French windows and three external doors. Some of the windows have shutters also needing some treatment.

2. We have an idea to establish a boules piste in one of the fields. We have written instructions how to set about this and the plan needs discussion. We should also like to set up a badminton area adjacent - not a proper court, but a net stretched across a reasonably level area.

Site of boule piste and badminton area
3. We have made a start with a nature trail around the domain. This has involved hacking at the brambles and using a strimmer to carve a way through. In other parts some form of steps need to be constructed and perhaps a rough, but solid handrail. The trail needs to be continued across a further area so that evenually it may be possible to walk all around the area fairly easily.

4. As previously mentioned, the mill no longer functions but the buildings could do with a clearout and some attention given to the workings/machinery where practical.

5. A vegetable garden has been established and although Jim is quite happy to work this himself some help occasionally may be needed. We garden organically.

6. Other jobs might include, tree lopping, pruning and log sawing.

If you are interested or have any futher questions about the Moulin or the work here - please email us at